
XTRM SPORTS ACADEMY Sports Club Association offers Kiteboarding courses for people of all ages.

The courses are carried out gradually, in stages, from easy to difficult, from simple to complex, in order to enjoy kitesurfing both on water, land and/or snow.

XTRM SPORTS ACADEMY uses several types of kites for training: trainer/novice, LEI (Leading Edge Inflatable), Foil (like a paraglider, with air cells) and Single skin. We also use different types of boards (Twin Tip, Surfboard, Landboard) for a better feel of the surfaces that can be taken advantage of in this sport. The diverse conditions help trainees better understand the concepts used in kitesurfing, leading them to a better grasp of the techniques employed and equipment required for the purpose of independently continuing their future journey with kiteboarding.

In accordance with the trainee's desire and our availability, kiteboarding lessons can be organised in Romania, near the capital Bucharest (Lake Fundata, Ialomița; Buzău; Giurgiu), close to the Black Sea coast (Constanța, Mamaia, Năvodari, Corbu, Vadu, Lake Techirghiol) or even abroad (Bulgaria, Egypt, Greece, Turkey), depending on the level of expertise of the trainee and the number of trainees. Training abroad also includes other specific costs (transportation, accommodation, food, spot fees, etc.), which will be convened upon in due time before departure.

Keep in mind that having experience in other related sports (skiing, snowboarding, wakeboarding, skateboarding, parachuting, paragliding) could help in leveling the learning curve for kiteboarding faster, but it is by no means a given fact. We have seen experienced surfboarders still having issues in managing the kite after a couple of lessons and we have seen complete novices body-dragging and ready to relaunch on water after completing the base package. The conclusion remains, as in all things in life, slower is faster and if you enjoy the ride, the journey is always shorter. All you need to worry about is paying attention to the instructors advice and having fun while at it.

All sporting equipment and training materials will be provided from the XTRM SPORTS ACADEMY material base, with exception of personal garments and accessories, that must be tailored for the exact physical characteristics of the trainee. These items are not required for learning to kiteboard and are a matter of personal preference of the user and his intention to further down the kiteboarding path.