Kiteboarding, also known as kitesurfing, is an extreme sport that blends elements and characteristics of wakeboarding, surfing, windsurfing, snowboarding, paragliding, and skateboarding.

XTRM SPORTS ACADEMY offers kiteboarding lessons for beginners of all ages in Romania, near the capital Bucharest and the Black Sea coast, as well as abroad (Bulgaria, Greece, Turkey, Egypt). Kitesurfing could be a great choice if YOU:

  • want to "learn the ropes" of the sport
  • are looking for the perfect way to de-stress from daily routine
  • want to start a new hobby on your time off from work and would rather try a healthy, fun and extremely satisfying activity for enjoying yourself


There is no age limit to learning kiteboarding / kitesurfing!

That being said, for practical reasons, children should be at least 30kg/65lb to start, in order to be able to hold their ground against the pull of a kite. Kids younger than 8 years old might not have the motor skills, attention span or even desire to learn to kite, aspects that should be taken into consideration.

When learned the right way, kitesurfing can be very safe and it can insure a lifetime of happy memories. For the elderly, if your back and knees are in good condition, or your doctor doesn't advise against demanding physical activities, kiteboarding could be the right sport regardless of age.

Accumulating evidence from animal and human research indicate that adult hippocampal neurogenesis plays a key role in cognition. Kiteboarding is comprised of complex and rewarding physical exercises, which are not as costly for the body as other extreme sports, being a potent enhancer of adult hippocampal neurogenesis and a potential therapy or an adjunctive therapeutic strategy for the prevention of cognitive decline.


For beginner and the average rider, kiteboarding can be done basically wherever you can find around 10-12 knots of wind speed.

XTRM SPORTS ACADEMY offers kiteboarding lessons in Romania, near the capital Bucharest (Ialomița; Buzău; Giurgiu), close to the Black Sea coast (Constanța, Mamaia, Năvodari, Corbu, Vadu, Lake Techirghiol) or even abroad (Bulgaria, Egypt, Greece, Turkey), depending on the level of expertise of the trainee and the number of trainees interested.

For convenience and shorter breaths of fresh air, an hour and a half's drive (110km/70miles) from the capital of Romania, Bucharest, you find the wildly beautiful Lake Fundata, spanning over 510 hectares of land. It provides some of the best conditions in this part of the country for learning the basics of kitesurfing and even for some more complex riding, if the wind-gods blow favorably in our direction.

The convenience of kiteboarding is that as long as there is wind (and you have the right board), you can do it on dry land, snow or on water, the latter being the most common and sought-after type of kite sports.


In Romania, the best winds for kitesurfing occur between October and April, although conditions where a wetsuit is not needed are during the summer months of May and September.

That being said, at the beginning of your kite lessons and during your first approaches to the kiting world, wind speed should be between 6 and 12 knots.

Your first contact with the kite and the kite bar, the information process regarding how to handle a kite, how to transmit your orders to the kite and getting the feel for it should take place in light winds, at the beginning.

For whatever reason, should the conditions of the water not be adequate for training, we can always resort to the land-board or the snow-board, as long as the wind isn't to strong for the grasp and skill of the trainee.


It has always been man's grittiest endeavor to harness the powers of nature. If wind once played an essential role for commerce and travel between lands, nowadays it is especially valued for its energy generating potential.

Even though the aforementioned goals play an important role for mankind today, that doesn't mean that us mere mortals can't tap into the benefits of wind for some short gusts of freedom and syncing with nature.

At XTRM SPORTS ACADEMY we value man's will to push his limits to the point one can truly feel and say, without a doubt, 'I AM ALIVE!'. We also believe that you have only the man in the mirror that's stopping you from doing, feeling and being more than meets the eye.

Yet we are fragile beings, made of flesh and mind. Sometimes it might just be that rush of blood in your veins, that pumping of your heart and that splash of cold water on your brow that helps you find that freedom of mind and unleashes that power and clarity dulled from all those years of drudging from home to traffic to office and back.

It might just be KITEBOARDING. We know it was for us! How about YOU?


As the name suggests, the goal of XTRM SPORTS ACADEMY is to reunite people who share their love and ideas for physical activities that test your limits, for both body and mind. Our team is made of professionals from all walks of life, who have spent years of training and mastered expertise in the fields of paragliding, parachuting, scuba-diving, mountaneering, martial arts, motorcycling and nowadays kiteboarding.

Although kiteboarding is relatively new in the extreme sports' world, it is swiftly gaining traction among enthusiasts and amateurs alike, the main reason being that it offers freedom of movement and autonomy like few others. Not only that you need less and less wind speed once you get better (although that takes some of the fun away), but you also start experimenting with different types of boards and environments, almost to the point that you can kiteboard in almost every region of the world. And that's exactly why we, at XTRM SPORTS ACADEMY, like Daedalus of Greece, will give you the 'wings' and show you how to fly, so that you escape the 'trapped world' without getting too close to the sun.

Last but not least, you should fear not, as we are not looking into getting thrills regardless of the cost. For us safety is paramount, as we believe that being safe is the only way one can enjoy whatever he chooses to do to its maximum potential. That is the exact reason why we use kiteboarding equipment for all types of weather and terrain, so that nothing that could have been prevented takes us by surprise.